Sunday, September 9, 2007

Week 7 Studio Experiment 2

Final UT Design

Outer design gives sense of variation, ease for adaptation, as the overall design is some-what symmetrical, as well as facilitating various modes movement, ramps, stairs etc.

The designs suscetiblity to change is further complimented by the three different entry points to the inner space, as well as the different methods of reaching them, eg. ramps, jumping off ledges.

Inner space displays room for observation, from a high vantage point, the tower on the far corner.

Allows speculation to the size and proportion of the space.

As well as, the depth of the space, especially in proportion to the different levels of the space.

While below, away from the vantage point, speculation is distorted and void, thus no real observation can be finalised.

1 comment:


The UT model looks very well constructed and well designed. The textures used in the model is well matching with the lighting and colours of the building, however, the 36 textures looks a little bit simple.
I like the 18 axonometric stketches, you have drawn various range of different designs.
The first capture and the second capture look similar, you could have captured in different perspective instead of either the fist or second capture. I also think you could have used a bit more stronger lightings. In overall, i really like the model and it goes well with quote.